WELCOME to the Retriever Daily Report of the 2011 National Retriever Championship, November 13-19, brought to you by the National Retriever Club and written by Tina Ebner and Gwen Jones. We hope you enjoy these daily updates on the National, held this year in Oakdale, CA.

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Saturday November 12 -- NRC Meetings
Can't wait to go to California...
National Open Report coming soon!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Brought To You By
Test Five -- Land Triple, Two Retired and an Honor
This is a Land Triple with a mixed bag of birds and an Honor. The mat faces south, the terrain drops gently to the base of a draw. All three guns are up the hill across the draw. To the handler's left, the first bird down is a hen pheasant flyer shot to the left at 266 yards. The gunners will retire behind a natural blind of tules. The second birds is 149 yards left of the mat. These gunners throw a dead hen pheasant behind a heavy clump of cover. The throw is angled back to the left. The last bird is a hen duck flyer shot at 195 yards. The Gunners are in front of the mat, across the draw, and up to the right of the middle guns. The throw is a left angle back. There is a huge pat h of tules between the mat and the bird, forcing the dog to drive through the tules or else alter the line to the bird. The Honor is to the left of the mat.
Good morning! Once again the thick morning mist is hovering over the test area and it's moving slowly down towards the water. We will be waiting for some of it to burn off as the sun rises before testing gets under way.
The sun may set in the west, but the sunrises here in California are equally spectacular! |
Just look at the sunrise now!! |
Mary Alhgren with the Test Dog of the morning--"Poncho" |
Avery was kind enough to supply the Retriever News Team with a new tent since theirs was damaged yesterday. |
Bill Eckett, Dave Rorem and Alan Pleasant
The sun has risen now and it has warmed up! It has taken an hour and a half to run the first eight dogs....extremely large hunts have been the rule with a few exceptions. Out of ten dogs, there has been one pick-up and two handles.
The water is very low here and the dogs are running across the dry lake bed to get to the right hand flyer station.
Mary Ahlgren and "Poncho"
Arnie Erwin and Gary Zellner
We have
just had to take "Louie" off the line in an ATV...he was the Honor dog
and was laying down on the honor mat after an exhausting hunt, so the
Judges excused him from the line. Then Paul Sletten was up with "Shock"
and he was given a rerun due to the fact that there was noise coming
from the gunners in the field which caused confusion.
Food Wagon Menu for Today's Lunch
Hot Ham Sandwiches Fresh Fruit
Ice Cream
Worker's Party
Tonight is the much anticipated Worker's Party. It is at 6 pm at the FES Hall (140 N. Lee Ave., Oakdale). The map to get there is posted at the headquarters hotel. We're sure that everyone will look forward to a fun evening where they can blow off a little steam from all the hard work everyone has done to make this National Happen. Thanks, too to the Sponsors and Clubs who have donated towards this event.
An announcement was made that the Chairman of each committee has been asked to go pick-up their worker's pins from this National at the Hostess Wagon.
Molly Schlachter is set-up by the Hostess Wagon and is selling Portrait Prints of the contestants as well as a selection of Photographic Montages and Books.
Julie Cole and the Official Bye Dog
Gwen Jones from Retriever News and Mitch Patterson
The Gunners return from their turn in the field
Ray Voigt
The 2011 National Open is Dedicated To...
Dick and Claudia Fenner
It is with profound gratitude and extreme pleasure that the National Retriever Club dedicates the 2011 National Championship Stake to “The Legend” Dick Fenner and his loving wife, Claudia.
Dick Fenner began shooting National Championship Retriever Trials in 1974.
Sixty-four Nationals later, including sixteen as Pacific Zone Gun Captain; Dick is still shooting both Nationals each year. Dick has been shooting and gun captaining as a member of the Northern California Gunner’s Guild since 1974 and served as their president from 1982-2000.
Over the years, Dick’s involvement and leadership has cultivated and maintained the quality of shooting, camaraderie and member dedication that gives these organizations their purpose and legacy.
Through the decades as the consummate outdoorsman, field trial gunning has been a special part of Dick’s life, providing him with lifelong friendships, countless memories, and the continued opportunities to meet new friend and greet old ones. All of this would not be possible without the support and devotion of his wonderful wife of 39 years, Claudia. As the ultimate “Gun Mother”, Claudia is a key member of the behind the scenes team that makes gunning at Nationals such a rewarding and memorable experience.
We all are beneficiaries of their hard work and friendship, and offer our sincere thanks and wish them all the best.
Jerry Patopea |
They all count; however, some count more than others…
Squeaking in just under the wire -- FC Drake’s Bay Parting of the Sea, ‘Moses,’ managed to earn his first 1st in the very last qualifying Open of the season.
It was only nine days ago, late on Sunday afternoon, that Bill received the call of a lifetime. “Wayne [Curtis] called me and wondered if I wanted to go to the National.”
On his way back to Wisconsin from Georgia, Wayne decided to run the Open of the Mobile Amateur Club’s trial. “Moses needed a win and he got one,” says Bill.
Wayne arrived home last Tuesday evening, and then flew out to California the following morning. “That just shows the commitment on his part,” says the ecstatic owner. “He could very easily have said, Bill, I’m just worn out.”
Bill, who loves training, wanted to do more of it. He asked Wayne to find him a pup. Wayne did. Even beforehand, Bill and co-owner/wife Judy were thinking about a name. “Most Labs like water and my wife is biblically-inclined.” Hence, the selection of ‘Moses’ and his AKC registered name.
Moses ran fourth in the Fourth Series water blind. “It was a tough test. There was a lot of suction to the left. The wind and current is pushing them left. Everything is sucking them left.”
Bill is very admiring of the “very professional” group of folks who are here. “If you do bad, you’ve got competitors who’ll hug you and keep you going to the next series,” says Bill.
“This is a real thrill. This is it. This is for the marbles,” exclaims Bill.
~Joule Charney, Contributing Writer
Callbacks to the Sixth Series:
Dogs called back are: 2, 4, 5, 7, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 70, 71, 72, 74, 78, 84, 85 and 88
Dogs dropped are: 23, 33, 35, 44, 61, 65, 67 and 75
38 Dogs are called back, starting at Dog#51
We are not moving to a new location for the Sixth Series.
Sixth Series -- Land Blind
The Sixth Series is a 290 yard land blind. The mat remains in the same position as the Fifth Series marks. The line faces southeast skimming a row of tules and proceeding up the far slope just to the right of the cl;ump of cover that hid the retired middle guns from the Fifth Series. They must then pass a pass a clump of cover where the middle bird was thrown. Once past those hazards, the dog climbs through a heavy row of weeds, across a mowed patch and then up the hill to the blind to retrieve a hen pheasant.
Dog #51 starts and Dog #55 will run last since he just completed his rerun. The Marshal, Linda Harger, has asked that all four holding blinds stay full so that we can finish this test today. At 2:47 pm, Test Dog Ruby came to the line and did a magnificent job., She was followed by Horns Or Halo who also did an excellent job.
Don Graves and "Ruby" |
Dean Ellis and Gary Ahlgren |
Mark Edwards, Chris Ledford and Ray Voigt |
Janis Olson with Horns Or Halo |
Test Dog #2 returns with the blind.
This Blind went really quickly...just about two hours. It was in the books at 4:34 pm.
Most dogs did a nice job...there was one pick-up. We are waiting for the results. They should come quickly so we can be off to the Worker's Party.
The Test Dog for the Seventh Series will be at 6:30 am. We will be moving to the Boatright Ranch. There will be a Caravan leaving K-Mart at 5:30 am.
Curt Wilson from Avery and Tim Thompson
Callbacks to the Seventh Series:
2, 4, 5, 7, 15, 18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 70, 71, 72, 74, 78, 84, 85 and 88.
All were called back except Dog #14.
We are starting with Dog #60.
Here are some snaps from the Worker's Party...
And that's all folks...
2011 NRC Running Order
1. FC Rocky Creek's Full Tilt Boogie, LF
2. NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade, LM
3. FC Beadle LC's Three Ring Circus, LM
4. FC-AFC Robbers' Stray Bullet, LM
5. FC DoubleDuce, LM
6. AFC Windy City's Bent Tail, LM
7. FC-AFC Mercy Mercy Mercy Me, LF
8. FC-AFC Ragin Eye Of The Storm, LM
9. FC-AFC Wolf Creek CR Skeeter, LM
10. FC-AFC Citori's Accept No Substitute, LF
11. Leica II, LF
12. FC-AFC Hardscrabbles Powder My Buns, LM
13. FC-AFC Freeridin Smooth Operator, LF
14. FC-AFC Chatanika's High Water Haylee, LF
15. FC Drake's Bay Parting Of The Sea, LM
16. FC Abby's Little Cooper, LF
17. Bluegoose's Passion For Jazz, LM
18. FC Moonstones Ignites On Impact MH, LM
19. FC-AFC Wham Bam's Just A Little Bit, LF
20. FC-AFC Hardscrabble Carbunnation, LF
21. FC Counterpoint's Sidekick, LM
22. FC Shadow's Whiteshoes, LM
23. FC Seaside's Bullwinkle, LM
24. FC Peakebrook's Brawny Force, LM
25. FC-AFC Sureshot's Texas Hold'Em, LM
26. FC-AFC Jazztime Hanging Chad, LM
27. FC-AFC Riverrun's True North, LM
28. FC-AFC Hardscrabble Roxie McBunn, LF
29. NFC-AFC Hunter Runs BooBoo, LM
30. Citori's No Holds Barred, LF
31. FC Seaside's Pelican Pete, LM
32. FC-AFC Land Ahoy, LM
33. FC-AFC Lil Chin Music, LF
34. FC Seaside's Kingfish, LM
35. FC Maplecreek's Mini Chopper, LM
36. FC Watermark's BB Standing Ovation, LM
37. FC-AFC Dixie City Jam II, LM
38. FC-AFC Machthree's Edge, LF
39. FC-AFC Camino Weight Cutter, LM
40. FC-AFC Eva-Ethyl-Proby-Weber, LF
41. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Jazztime Last Chance V Pekisko, LM
42. FC-AFC Bayou-Star Beyond Independent, LF
43. FC Knollwood Sweet Lily, LF
44. FC Contempt Of Court, LM
45. FC-AFC Nebo's Grandma Ruby, LF
46. FC-AFC Shadows Sweet Something, LF
47. FC Me D Boss, LM
48. FC-AFC Lil Bit's Cote D'Or Pinot Noir, LM
49. NFC Two Rivers Lucky Willie, LM
50. FC Road Warrior's Duramax, LM
51. AFC Sara's Blue Streak, LM
52. FC Wingover's Pedro II, LM
53. FC-AFC Candlewood GoldenDaze Louie, LM
54. FC-AFC Lanes Lets Get Ready To Rumble, LM
55. FC-AFC Waterdogs Shock And Awe, LM
56. Vista's Case Of Purple, LM
57. FC-AFC Jet Black Bustin Thru The Brush MH, LM
58. FC Little Bit Dangerous, LF
59. FC Jazztime Empty Wallet, LM
60. FC-AFC Sureshot's TKO, LM
61. NFC-AFC Candlewood's Something Royal, LF
62. FC Westwoods Iron Man, LM
63. FC-AFC Wine Glass Lucky Strike, LM
64. FC By Golden's Pond's Legacy, LF
65. FC-AFC Landover's Right On Target, LM
66. FC-AFC Tealcreek Patton's Saber, LM
67. FC Adams Acres Water Lilly, LF
68. FC-AFC Nightwings Marsh Leader, LM
69. FC Fresh Squeezed Juice, LM
70. FC Wing Magic's Standpipe Moon, LF
71. FC Watermark's Running Back, LM
72. FC Premier's RSK Powerstroke, LM
73. FC-AFC Holy Cross's Moses, LM
74. FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Runnin's Molly B, LF
75. FC Mitimat You Go Girl, LF
76. FC-AFC Premier's Iron Man Ozzy, LM
77. Candlewood's Skyrocket, LF
78. FC Merlyn IV, LM
79. FC-AFC-CNAFC-CFC-CAFC Moonstones Hug And Moochie, LF
80. CNFC Road Warriors Lady Hawk, LF
81. FC-AFC Castlebay's Night Robber, LM
82. FC-AFC Trulines Walla Walla Sweet, LF
83. FC Bayou Teche Tex, LM
84. FC-AFC Citori's Vista 40th Pres, LF
85. FC RSK's Oohs And Aahs, LM
86. FC Nobody Moves Nobody Gets Hurt, LM
87. FC-AFC Sanpitch River Shore Thing, LM
88. FC-AFC Seaside's Get the Party Started, LF
89. FC Maple Creek's Spirit Warrior, LM
90. FC Sorol Green River Indian Scout, LM